1. To view articles within the TTFM Knowledge Base, open a new web browser and log into the TTFM portal
2. Under the banner ‘My Resources’, select ‘Knowledge Base’. Selecting the link will open a new tab in your browser
4. The Knowledge Base contains all available Survey resources; Getting Started, Pre-survey, Survey Window, Post-Survey, along with Measure Briefing Notes and Video Resources.
5. To access the consent forms prior to the survey window, select Pre-Survey Resources, and under the heading 'Communication and Student Preparation' select CONSENT FORMS. The consent process ensures that parents and guardians have information about the Tell Them From Me initiative and have an opportunity to ‘opt out’, if they do not wish for their child to participate.
6. Consent forms are required to be sent out for each snapshot (survey window) and we suggest at least two weeks prior to the date your school has chosen to commence surveying, to give parents the opportunity to respond.
7. More information on Consent Forms and FAQ’s can be found on the CESE website and are available in 23 community languages, under the Parent Information tab.